Synthetic fibres are man-made as opposed to natural fibres that occur in nature. Some synthetic fibres include:
• Nylon, Olefin, Polyester, Acrylic, Rayon, Acetate.
Since Rayon and Acetate are actually made from natural fibres, we treat those as if they were cotton. (For cleaning these fabrics refer to topic “Upholstery – Cotton.”) The remaining four fibres are made from thermoplastic materials, and, with minor differences, they are cleaned the same way. Polyester fabric is sometimes harder to clean because it attracts and holds oil. Extreme procedures may be needed for polyester — call for assistance and guidance.
- Use the Burn Test to determine that the fabric is synthetic and what fibre or fibres are present. Refer to the Fibre Identification brochure.
- Vacuum the upholstery.
- Before cleaning the entire item, be sure to do a cleaning test on an inconspicuous area.
- Use the appropriate chemicals and recommended formula and ratio mixes according to ‘soil’ levels to obtain the best results.
- Protect upholstery with Maxim Fine Fabric.
- Dry with Air Movers.