Rotovac Powerwand


Rotovac Powerwand

The Patented Rotovac Powerwand operates with one hand like an upright vacuum cleaner. There is never any need to bear down and scrub like a manual wand. The Rotovac has dual high torque motors to supply all the cleaning muscle for you.

The rotary vacuum heads thoroughly clean the carpet from all directions with hundreds of cleaning passes rather than just back and forth a few times like a manual wand. The Rotovac gives you something new different and better to market to your customers. Professional carpet cleaners across the country report that their referral business has skyrocketed and their backs feel a lot better since the day they started using the Rotovac Powerwand.

Features and Specifications

– Patented “Rotary Jet Extraction” cleaning heads

– Out cleans all other systems

– Highly maneuverable and lightweight (38 lbs.)

– Cleans in both directions (up & back)

– Operates with any portable or truck mount system

– Draws only 5 amps

– 50 to 500 PSI

– Guaranteed to improve your cleaning

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Why Rotovac?

Most carpet cleaners just use the old manual scrub wand method because it has been around for over 50 years. Using a manual wand requires a great deal of physical labor and only cleans from two directions, often producing only mediocre results. The manual wand is old technology and gives you nothing new or different to market to your customers.Person using a Rotovac to clean carpets with just one hand!

Rotovac Powerwand Product Details

The Patented Rotovac Powerwand operates with one hand like an upright vacuum cleaner. There is never any need to bear down and scrub like a manual wand. The Rotovac has dual high torque motors to supply all the cleaning muscle for you. The rotary vacuum heads thoroughly clean the carpet from all directions with hundreds of cleaning passes rather than just back and forth a few times like a manual wand. The Rotovac gives you something new, different, and better to market to your customers. Professional carpet cleaners across the country report that their referral business has skyrocketed and their backs feel a lot better since the day they started using the Rotovac Powerwand.

Here’s How It Works

Rotary Vacuum Heads thoroughly clean the carpet from all directions with hundreds of multi-directional cleaning passes. The Rotovacs’ motors supply all the cleaning muscle for you. The Rotovac gives you something new, better and different to market and grow your carpet cleaning business.

Bottom view of the Rotovac

Click here to see the Rotovac In Action

Six vacuum slots and six spray jets rotate at 250 rpm to produce 1500 multi-directional cleaning passes per minute. (Try doing that with a manual wand!)

Front view of Rotovac and a carpet cleaning professional

  • Patented, “Rotary Jet Extraction” cleaning heads
  • Out cleans all other systems
  • Highly manoeuvrable and lightweight (38 lbs.)
  • Cleans in both directions (up & back)
  • Operates with any portable or truck mount system
  • Draws only 5 amps
  • 50 to 500 PSI
  • Guaranteed to improve your cleaning





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